Thursday, February 26, 2009

Room 202

So this is for more of all my peeps back home, family members, etc. I just thought I'd share with you basically what goes down every night here at the apartment. I might be sharing this to see if anyone will respond with similarities so that i know that we are actually normal. There are several things that we do as an apartment that are both weekly rituals and daily. here are some of our obsessions/habits:

1. We have Guy's/Family Night on Saturday nights, where everyone in our apartment comes together to cook one big meal and sit at the dinner table and discuss what is currently going on in our lives/vocal,guitar lessons/girl stuff, etc.
2. We are all obsessed with Family Guy, and we must watch several episodes daily. 
3. We like to think that this one is weekly but its more of a nightly thing; We watch a movie almost every night of the week around 8-9 o'clock. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
4. We always on these nights where we watch a movie, eat the best snack ever!!!- SMORES POPTARTS! of course with a tall glass of milk. Its the best. Gotta have them. 
5. I must say we all say that this person is the messiest person in the house but im pretty sure we all leave our "Peanut butter and jelly Knifes" laying out around the counter sometimes.
6. Fill up a trash bag everyday.
7. Everyone is usually playing an instrument around 5-7 in the apartment so it can get pretty loud. 
8. But im pretty sure everday, we give eachother hugs cause we really love each other. This has got to be one of the best groups of guys that has ever been put together. 
- It is truly amazing to see how God has placed each individual person where they are supposed to be. Our apartment would be so much different if one of us was either replaced or missing. It is just too funny how perfectly God placed every one of us in this apartment. Moody, not moody, Crazy, Calm, Neat, Messy, Loud, Quiet. There is like a perfect mixture of all these things to really maintain balance. I love our Guys. 
Dis room 202 Son!

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